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Chastity Acceptance
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It's tough sweetie - I know it is. You've accepted that chastity is right for you - that being pussy-free is right for you, but it's still a tough process. You've spent your whole life free to use your cock however you've wanted to - unhindered access - able to touch it whenever you like - to enjoy the freedom of an erection - to jerk off at will. So I get the you may struggle with chastity now that it's been imposed upon you. I want you to know that I'll try to help you with this struggle as much as I can, because one thing is for sure - you won't be getting out of that thing. So let's start at the beginning - there was a reason you ended up in the cage isn't there? It's because you DESERVE chastity. You deserve chastity, loser. You deserve a pussy free life - locked away from girls. It's the first truth you need to come to terms with to survive your life in chastity - that you deserve to be locked in that cage. You deserve to be all locked away from girls. You deserve to have your sexual access totally restricted. You deserve to have your pleasure under my complete control as you're unqualified to do so yourself. I'm sure you're feeling better already aren't you cage-boi?

You do get that, don't you, loser? Being pussy free and locked up in a chastity cage is the perfect thing for you. It's perfect because you don't deserve girls. That's your next truth - you really don't deserve girls. Accepting that you don't deserve girls and that we don't want you either, will help you accept your new life in chastity. Stroking that thing to us, drooling over us in the workplace or at the gym or in the shopping mall - trying to get our attention - it's all totally unwanted, loser. You do realise that, right? Girls aren't fucking interested in you. You're not the kinda guy who we wanna look at or talk to and least of all date or fuck. So now you're in chastity and a pretty girl steals your attention, your cock isn't gonna be trying to convince you to approach her or DM her or in any other way bother her. Nope - not anymore, loser. All that cage is gonna do now is remind you of truth number 2 - that you don't deserve girls. You won't ever lose your desire for girls, loser. If anything, being caged in chastity will amplify your desperation for us - you'll continue to lust - you drool over our perfect bodies - craving us more than ever... it's just that cage will be telling you how pointless it all is - that you can't have us no matter how frustrated you are - no matter how much you want us - you can't and you don't deserve to either..

Denial will become your only source of pleasure - that ache you'll feel looking at girls like me - seeing us dressed in something that triggers you, boots, hotpants, a tight dress, the smell of our shampoo as we brush pass you, a girlish giggle - anything we do could drive you wild now that you're locked up and know there's nothing you can do about it. You'll become addicted to that ache, loser - you'll seek it out - you'll go out of your way to feel that painful, frustrating, ache of denial. Scrolling through images of perfect girls online - whatever you can do to feel the only pleasure you're permitted - the pleasure of being denied by us. You deserve that feeling, loser - you deserve to feel that denial day after day, week after week, month after month - with no hope of ever feeling that denial finally satisfied. That chastity device will make accept that denial - it will make you accept being pussy-free - it will make you accept that you don't deserve girls. It will make your life better, loser - it will change you into a better person whether you like it or not.

Added: 15-09-2024
Clip Length: 17m 23s
Chastity Humiliation

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